
Become a Neuroscience & Society Undergrad Fellow for 2019-2020!

Deadline has been extended to May 3rd!


The Center for Neuroscience & Society at the University of Pennsylvania is seeking applications from rising Penn juniors and seniors for its new group of CNS Undergraduate Fellows for 2019-20. This program is intended for students from any School or department who have identified an interest in exploring the intersection of neuroscience and society. CNS Undergraduate Fellows will participate in a series of seminars, projects, and activities oriented around key issues, such as the relationship of neuroscience to ethics, policy, health, law, philosophy, sociology, history, technology, and others. Fellows will receive unique access to faculty and distinguished visitors, along with special opportunities oriented around the societal impacts of neuroscience.


• Through roundtable discussions with distinguished faculty and visitors

• Through coaching in writing and speaking

• Through specialized mentoring on college and post-college work related to neuroscience and society


• Special access to visiting scholars and scientists

• Interdisciplinary academic connections with like-minded scholars across Penn’s many schools & majors

• Behind-the-scenes access to CNS special events


• With help from faculty and staff, fellows produce a project of their choosing at the interface of neuroscience and society.

• Topics will be explored via discussion, then each fellow will write an original White Paper to be published on the CNS website.

• At the end of the academic year, each fellow will present their work to affiliated Center for Neuroscience & Society faculty and scholars at a final dinner and discussion celebration.

The CNS Undergraduate Fellowship is designed to enhance your undergraduate education with a time commitment akin to a club or society membership. Expected involvement is 3-5 hours per week. This time includes meetings with faculty/visitors, project meetings, and other activities. The goal of the program is to complement students’ existing academic experiences at Penn by adding another element of interactive learning. Becoming an Undergraduate Fellow is a one-year commitment with potential to renew based on your performance in the program and continued interest.

To apply, fill out the online form at http://bit.ly/CNSapplyUF2019 and upload the following (PDFs preferred):

• 1-2 page resume with contact information, major(s), and expected date of graduation

• Unofficial transcript

Qualified applicants have previously taken PSYC 149 (BBB 249) or BBB 109 or equivalent and will have junior or senior status as of Fall 2019. Top applicants will be invited in for an interview with the CNS faculty before final admission decisions are made. The application deadline is May 3, 2019.